Hi; For our API settings, we selected the OAuth2 is the authorization type. However in the published documentation, the user still need to ‘select’ what is the Auth type! The expected behavior is reflected whatever the auth type from the settings and make it the default chose for the published documentation users.
Hi, we have not reproduced this issue. Could you provide the link of the documentation you are using.
Make sure you have the auth set either at the API level itself for Create Order or that it is set to Inherit and that the Auth is set at Root
bissellator Manupriyam Jindal Thank you for your feedback. We have identified the issue you reported, which was caused specifically by inheriting Auth settings from folders. We have resolved this bug and the fix will be released today.
jam_zaw bissellator Manupriyam Jindal We have optimized this issue, please refresh the published documentation to see the changes.
Yes it’s working now, thanks for the fix