The dynamic value does not work when I try to retrieve the body response of a step in my test

I’m trying to create a test scenario, and when I attempt to retrieve the body response of the previous step (JWT token), I get {{$.1.response.body}} in my header.

Thank you for your assistance.

previous step values can only take effects in the running of the whole test scenario, but not in a single step. So you need to see the value in the test report.

Thank you for your explanation. However, I want to clarify that I am indeed running the entire test scenario, not just a single step. Moreover, the first step of the test successfully returns a non-empty body. Could there be another reason why the dynamic value is not working as expected?

Could you please paste a screenshot of the specific request in the test report? That would help to locate the problem.

here are some screenshots, thank you for your help.

It seems that the body that the login step returned is a json with several attributions but not only the token. So you should use “partial data” but not “entire data” in the third screenshot to extract exactly the token. You can click the “actual request” in the second screenshot to see what the token is actually sent.