Support Custom Logo & Color for dark mode


It’s better to support a custom logo and Accent Color to use when the dark mode is active because some colors and logs are not fit for both modes (light & dark)

or if you like to keep it general, if can you support custom CSS so each company can customize the CSS base on their need :slightly_smiling_face:

You can upload and modify the project icon within the Project settings panel.

I know but is support one logo and one color, which are use for light and dark mode,

My request is how i can use diff logo/color for each mode

Certainly, I understand your suggestion. This appears to be a potentially valuable feature. I will discuss it with the team and get back to you with an update soon.

Karan this feature is already implemented in your own documentation :relieved:

Could you please provide a link to the document you are referring to?

This feature is supported with the latest versionalkhwlanijam_zaw

awesome! many thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

You can upload and modify the project icon within the Project settings panel.

I know but is support one logo and one color, which are use for light and dark mode,

My request is how i can use diff logo/color for each mode

Certainly, I understand your suggestion. This appears to be a potentially valuable feature. I will discuss it with the team and get back to you with an update soon.

Karan this feature is already implemented in your own documentation :relieved:

Could you please provide a link to the document you are referring to?

This feature is supported with the latest versionalkhwlanijam_zaw

awesome! many thanks :slightly_smiling_face: