Schema validation oneOf fails if the 1 item is extending the other

I have this error in the specs response validation panel:

Validated Response Results
Response data differs from endpoint spec

  1. $.user should match exactly one schema in “oneOf”

This is my response :

    "user": {
        "id": "xxxxx",
        "extended_field": "xxxxx"

In the Design panel, the schema is designed like this:

ROOT                     object
    user                 oneOf
        0                User
        1                UserExtended

The User schema is :

ROOT                     object
    id                   string<uuid>

The UserExtended schema is:

ROOT                     allOf
    0                    User
    1                    object
        extended_field   string

From what I understand, it shouldn’t print an error. Am I missing something? Thanks!

Here’s the OpenAPI file to replicate

Schema validation oneOf fails if 1 item is extending the other