Save User Auth (es Bearer Token) in shared doc

Hello. First of all, congratulations I’m getting very comfortable with ApiDog!
It would be really nice to give the possibility for the remote user to save (even temporarily) their authentication credentials inside the shared documentation.

In my case users authenticate via api key, and at each request they have to paste the api key, it is a bit inconvenient.

Thanks for the feedback. Authentication credentials is sensitive information, and if it is included in an online document, it may cause unexpected security issues. We will consider this feature request carefully.

Hi, thanks for the prompt feedback, obviously the credentials should be saved client-side (local storage, session storage etc…), a bit like the “authenticate” button in swagger.

Thanks for the feedback. Authentication credentials is sensitive information, and if it is included in an online document, it may cause unexpected security issues. We will consider this feature request carefully.