Is it possible to "move" requests to the Requests section?

We’d like to move some requests we use a lot in manual integration testing to folders in the “Requests” section at the bottom of the left hand menu but dragging doesn’t work. Seems like we need to fully rewrite our requests here, is there an easier way to do this?

It would be helpful if you could provide your screenshots.

I’d like to move them in here.

Does that make sense?

Currently not supported. Can you describe your use case in detail? It would help us understand your needs better.

So, we have a market standard API we’re implementing. We’re a marketplace platform of sorts connecting supply to demand. If we’re integrating with supply we need to simulate demand side, and the other way around. Some of this is done with advanced mocks or scripts. Other stuff we can’t really easily mock because we need to reuse data that the mocks receive for example (as a tangent, req/res logging for the mocking servers would be HUGE). Therefore we have a bunch of requests and response cases under all the endpoints to “manually” send certain requests etc. The API is pretty big so navigating that is pretty confusing. It would really help to have some requests in a specific folder separate from the API where we could store all the requests we need in integration tests in a specific order, so the person running this doesn’t have to memorize all the steps etc.

Hi, if you want to run your integration tests in a specific order, we recommend using test scenarios.

Evans it’s not really testing our platform but integrating with new partners. Still a test scenario might work (even though it technically isn’t a test).

So this market standard is unfortunately not super standardized and lots of different interpretations of this. So new partners require some manual integration (although we’re automating parts of it already). To do these integrations we need to simulate another partner and this requires some sets of ready to fire requests we need to populate with stuff we’re receiving. Test scenario’s might work, 'ill take a look.