Internet required for any changes, even locally actions

Hi, I just use the app since Monday, and I find my interest in the product.
Currently, I have a bad experience when my internet quite slow → So when I modify something like Global env variables, and then I get an issue like “internet issue try again,.”. That’s ok, but I realize that anywhere refers to that variable will not receive the modified value.
Although all change comes from my locally → Why can it happen?

Thanks for the feedback. It would be helpful if you could provide your steps and screenshots.

Hi Zoey, here some evidence
This point, I modify a global variable then got an error “Network error,…”

Anywhere refers to that variable can not get the latest value.

Let’s persist data on the local first, then apply/sync to the cloud later.

Or did I do wrong, missed config or something. please let me know.
Thanks so much :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for your feedback.

  1. Any operation currently requires networking.
  2. You need to save the value of the variable corresponding to success in order to get the latest value.

Hmm, is there any way to get over this situation?
Because my internet is limited at working office → so some sync tasks may not complete properly.

Online requirement is stupid

Apidog is a SaaS collaboration platform, not an offline desktop software, which means it requires online functionality to enhance team productivity effectively.

Hello, for your situation, you might consider using our Enterprise On-premises version to deploy and manage your APIs on your own infrastructure, giving you full control over security.Here is the introdution about it

Hi! They published an article where they say it’s not necessary to have an account and also that it has an offline mode. How is it possible to activate this functionality? Or is it misleading advertising?