Hi! I just started to use ApiDog…
How do I set a base url for a folder, so every request inside that folder would have that base url? Setting “Service (Base URL)” property on the folder does not have any effect.
Please check the following:
- Whether the correct environment has been selected in the upper right corner.
- Whether the “Service” of the API is set to “Inherit from Parents”.
Thank you! Apparently I’ve looked at the wrong tab , I’ve looked on “API” and “Edit” tabs, but the baseURL is displayed only in “Run” tab
Also, some beginner question, can I set the part of the path to use a env variable, like in Postman? For example,
? So the baseURL would be set for http://dev.example.com
, and the other part would be set to use env var (somePath
), so not to type it’s value each time?
Yes, you can.
Thank you, I’ve just getting familiar, sorry for that simple questions. Just got it working!