Every time I input ‘{{’ in a parameter field to use a variable, the app stops responding, and the web version crashes.
Thank you for your feedback. Could you please provide the version number currently in use?
My coworker sent some messages on General i’ll copy them here
Sorry for the delay
The latest version (2.6.22) when i type “{{”, it takes several minutes to open the list of variables and consumes almost all my RAM (16GB). And have a bunch of this “.stream.dat”. On version 2.6.8 the same project works perfectly.
In these tests, we save the response as a variable to compare if they are equal between two API services: the old one (Openshift) and the new one in Kubernetes that another team is migrating. I guess the tests didn’t finish because there were problems with the variable too
How many variables did you set? global variable or environment variable? Can you take a screenshot of the script
Just one, I thought that the variable would be rewritten, I didn’t declare it in the global variables field, only in the script.
i’ll send the scripts, one minute
the script of kubernetes request:
let responseText = pm.response; pm.collectionVariables.set("dev_kubernetes_data", responseText);
the script of openshift request:
`let dev_kubernetes_data = pm.collectionVariables.get(“dev_kubernetes_data”);
let dev_openshift_data = pm.response;
pm.test(“Kubernetes return type is equal to Openshift return type”, function () {
pm.expect(typeof dev_kubernetes_data).to.equal(typeof dev_openshift_data);
I checked, and they are in the global variables
Thanks for the feedback. It is recommended to assign this variable value to local variables. We will optimize the drop-down prompt in the future.
ok, but calling local variables is crashing too
Here are some provisional solutions before optimization:
- If you want to store the response content in a variable, it is recommended to use pm.response.text() or pm.response.json().
- If the type stored in a variable is only used in typeof dev_kubernetes_data, it is recommended to store the result of typeof dev_kubernetes_data in a variable rather than storing the complete dev_kubernetes_data.
- Big data is recommended to be stored in local variables.
- Before using local variables, it is recommended to manually delete the value previously stored in the global variables.