Empty response shows as not configured

A 204 No Content shows Not configured in the example tab, but there is no example to configure because the response is always empty.

The same happens when I add an empty example (second image)

I added screenshots in the post. I know I can add examples, but the response is a 204 which means No Content. There is no need for an Example, because no body is returned, yet it says “Not configured”,

Instead of it saying “Not configured” it should say something like “No content”. Because I have configured it to give no response.

Also as a side-note, the screenshot you provided is peculiar because of the validate response error in the bottom right. Content-type should be text/plain right? Not application/json. Nontheless I’m talking about the Design tab and not the Debug tab.

Sorry, I misunderstood you earlier, Thanks for the feedback, we will change the text here.
