Concurrent thread execution via shell script leading to Text file busy error

We are getting the below error while running npx --package apidog-cli -y apidog run file-path
.npm/_npx/ae100d9c15b15973/node_modules/.bin/apidog: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: Text file busy

Hi there, did the command run normally before? Could you please provide the version of your apidog CLI, the exact command you’re running, and check the permissions of the user currently running the application.This information will greatly assist us in troubleshooting the issue you’re experiencing.

I was able to get it working Emily . Problem was calling the below concurrently and it returned “Text file busy”
npx --package [email protected] -y apidog run

To fix it,
npx --package [email protected] -y which apidog
apidog_path=$(npx --package [email protected] -y which apidog)

I got the apidog_path and then called the below: “$apidog_path” run *.apidog-cli.json to make it work

Yukio Ikeda : Could you please help
cc: RT

Hi there, did the command run normally before? Could you please provide the version of your apidog CLI, the exact command you’re running, and check the permissions of the user currently running the application.This information will greatly assist us in troubleshooting the issue you’re experiencing.