Chain API calls

I think Apidog does a great job with singular API/request endpoints. However, I often find myself needing to call a series of endpoints in order to demonstrate the orchestration of endpoints and the relationship of various resources.

For example:

Login > Search for a product > View product details > Add product to cart > Checkout

I can facilitate this chain of calls (i.e. workflow) by storing various bits of data from each call, using post-processor scripts, in environment variables. However, this is largely a manual process as it requires me to invoke each individual endpoint, in a specific order, to properly set the state of my environment variables.

Additionally, it is difficult to support variations of a workflow using this approach because it requires environment scoped variables. Ideally, local variables could be used, but the local scope would extend to the “chain”, not the individual endpoint.

I have found that having the ability to demonstrate an orchestration of API calls significantly improves communications as well as providing useful feedback for the API design itself. If the “chain” was represented visually, that would make this feature an even more potent communication vehicle

This would also be a very powerful tool for testing as what I am describing could essentially be the foundation of an integration test.

I realize this a rather large feature request but I think it would add immense value to the product.

Thank you for your time and I appreciate your consideration.

The functionality you’ve described is indeed available in the “Testing” module of Apidog. You can leverage this feature to sequence and orchestrate the execution order of the requests that are defined within the APIs.

I encourage you to give it a try and see how it works for your workflow.

The functionality you’ve described is indeed available in the “Testing” module of Apidog. You can leverage this feature to sequence and orchestrate the execution order of the requests that are defined within the APIs.

I encourage you to give it a try and see how it works for your workflow.