2 headers for authorization

In the application we use 2 headers for the authentication of the api key api_key and api_env. But i only seen a option to add 1 header for auth. Is there a way to add 2 headers

It’s fairly unusual and non-standard, but you should be able to add both of them in the same header separated by a comma…

Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM, Basic YXNkZnNhZGZzYWRmOlZLdDVOMVhk

If you add two Authorization headers in an endpoint it will also render it this way…

i now added this to every requets. But would be nice if i should only add this on one place

But we also look if we maybe should change the api key and env to a more standard approach

You can set it as a global parameter in the environment management in the upper right corner, and then set whether the parameter is enabled separately in the API document.